Allan Greenberg—Natural Rights and the Architecture of the American Founding

Please join us for a lecture on the architecture of the American founding and the doctrines of natural rights by renowned architect Allan Greenberg.

Prof. Arkes offers the following about our lecturer: Allan Greenberg has become the premier exponent of American 18th century classicism. He did the Treaty Room at the State Department under George Schultz, the Bergdorf Goodman store in New York, many distinguished private residences, and many of them shown in a new book out  by Rizzoli, "Allan Greenberg, Classical Architect." He is an emigre from South Africa who came to this country in 1964, taught at Yale, and established his successful firm in Washington and Connecticut.  He now commutes between his offices in DC and New York City. He is also the only architect who made the book "First Things" required reading in his atelier one time.

This lecture will be followed by refreshments and is open to the public. Please kindly RSVP. For more information, please email Garrett Snedeker at


